If you had told me when I was younger that I would be an artist and designer as a career, I likely would have laughed. I was a calculus nerd...a language disecter...addicted to equations, structure, and scientific explanations, so it was easy for me to graduate with a B.S. in Aviation Technology from Purdue University and go on as a commercial pilot. Graphs, charts, weights & balances, the physics associated with flight were so achievable and understandable for me in every way. Then I married a military man and was whisked off to different locations leaving my aviation career behind me. I found my niche for creating, painting, and quilting while adapting to my new "military wife life." But here's the thing...color and design are, in fact, extremely mathematical in this crazy brain of mine, and I absolutely adore tapping into my creative genes (thanks, Gramma Dittman!) to be the designer and artist I am today. SARIDITTY came about as a mix of my childhood nickname, Sari (rhymes with 'cherry'), and my high school/college nickname, Ditty. A "ditty" made by Sari...a SARIDITTY!
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